By Gideon Rukundo Rugari

They are headed to the highest ground in Fizi, near Lake Tanganyika, (Mulenge), South Kivu from where they can threaten the entire territory of Burundi. They have used this position to uproot the Banyamulenge community. Communities around this area have been scattered to the four winds, especially women and children.

Men are either dead or in hiding from Paul Kagame’s raid parties. Meanwhile, Paul Kagame sent a team to distract Uganda from the business of defending itself. This is because, a much more powerful force RDF raid party is in Beni, North Kivu, threatening Kasese…..

They are ravaging the region for profit. No one should look at RDF as a national army anymore.

You are as good as having lost the war, when you have to station your army 1000 miles from your borders to secure your country, just like Hitler in the Russian steppe in the summer of 1994, in a war he had strategically lost in 1940.

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