Rwanda: Castro (TX-20) & Kim (CA-39) Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Calling on Kagame to Release Rusesabagina on Humanitarian Grounds

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representatives Joaquin Castro (TX-20), Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Development, International Organizations and Global Corporate Social Impact, and Young Kim (CA-39) introduced a resolution calling on the government of the Republic of Rwanda to release activist Paul Rusesabagina on humanitarian grounds. 

Paul Rusesabagina, a 67-year-old cancer survivor who suffers from a cardiovascular disorder, Presidential Medal of Freedom honoree and resident of Texas, is credited with saving the lives of thousands of people during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. In August 2020, Rusesabagina was charged by the Rwandan government and put on trial. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison on September 20, 2021. 

“Mr. Paul Rusesabagina has been unfairly targeted and imprisoned for using his elevated platform and prominence to oppose an oppressive Rwandan government,” said Rep. Castro. “The unjustifiable human rights abuses against Mr. Rusesabagina are nefarious and deeply rooted in corruption. His chronic medical conditions severely compromise his health and require close monitoring, which presents an even graver threat amid the COVID-19 pandemic. President Kagame and the Republic of Rwanda must immediately release Mr. Rusesabagina on humanitarian grounds and return him home to his family in San Antonio, Texas.”

“Mr. Paul Rusesabagina saved the lives of thousands of people during the brutal 1994 Rwandan genocide and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his heroism. The fact that an American permanent resident could be abducted and held hostage by a foreign government is wholly unacceptable,” said Rep. Kim.“ I will continue to pray for Paul Rusesabagina’s safety and am proud to help lead this important effort with Rep. Castro to urge the Biden administration to demand his immediate release and raise his case with the Government of Rwanda.” 

The resolution builds upon a previous bipartisan effort by Congress taken on December 18, 2020, to urge Rwandan President Paul Kagame to return Mr. Rusesabagina to the United States, as well as express grave concern with the way the Government of Rwanda extrajudicially transferred him from the United Arab Emirates to Rwanda, immediately placed him in solitary confinement, and charged him with multiple crimes.  

Summary of the Resolution:

Original co-sponsors of the resolution include Representatives: Gregory W. Meeks, James P. McGovern, Susan Wild, Brad Sherman, Dean Phillips, and Jan Schakowsky.

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