Re “Do Black African Lives Matter in the NBA” story. This is an attempt by Gen. Paul Kagame to gain support from a group of predominately Black athletes who have no knowledge or even much interest in African politics.
They are ignorant celebrities being unwittingly involved with an internatiinal criminal who needs all the positive public relations he can get.
His mentor, Gen. Yoweri Museveni is the Ugandan strongman who does the bidding of England and the U.S. in East and Central Africa. Together they have caused the deaths of more Congolese than king Leopold of Belgium.
But they are Western surrogates in a very vital part of the world. At present we see president Museveni attempting to intimidate the Ugandan opposition and thwart any changes in the elections.
Will the united States interfere in the democratic process like it did in Zimbabwe or Venezuela or will Obama and his handlers give the status quo in Uganda its tacit but definitive support?
- See more at: http://www.blackstarnews.com/us-politics/elections/kagame-the-war-criminal-and-the-nba.html#sthash.PdvtJFyA.dpuf