Rwanda: Goodrich TV Boss Habumugisha Detained for Assaulting Diane Kamali

By Julius Bizimungu

Francis Habumugisha, the boss of Goodrich TV is being detained by Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) over physical torture of one of her female employees, identified as Diane Kamali.

Last week in a tweet, Kamali said that Habumugisha physically abused her in July at a staff meeting that took place at the station’s office at Makuza Peace Plaza.

“I was beaten in public by a man called Dr Francis (Goodrich TV) on 16.07.2019. It’s been two months since I informed @RIBRwanda [Rwanda Investigation Bureau] but he (Francis) hasn’t been punished yet,” she tweeted

Kamali posted a CCTV video footage showing a man who she calls Habumugisha slapping her after a seemingly heated debate.

Kamali told the media that what was seen in a CCTV video was true and the Goodrich TV boss slapped her after the latter realised that she was filming a heated debate in which one of the fellow female employees was exposing the mistakes of her boss.

In her tweet, she wondered whether a rich and well-connected person can go around abusing people and never face justice.

Following this Habumugisha was reportedly detained by RIB and his case was forwarded to the Prosecution Office for further investigation.

Jean Bosco Mutangana, the Prosecutor General, said in a tweet on Wednesday, saying that the case was being handled by the Prosecution and “suspect is detained as investigations continue”.

“A due process of law will follow and suspect will be presented to court with respect to criminal procedures,” he added.

This also came as President Paul Kagame replied to Diane Kamali’s post promising her that he will follow up the case.

“We shall follow it up and get to know what exactly happened and take necessary action. Surprised if RIB was info(rmed), how they did not do what was required,” Kagame replied.

Mutangana told The New Times that the suspect is being charged with intentional assault or battery, an offence provided and punished by article 121 of Law Number 61/2018 of 30th August 2018 Determining Offences and Penalties in General.

The constitution stipulates that everyone has the right to physical and mental integrity and that no one shall be subject to torture or physical abuse, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.



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