Rwanda has dispatched an assasin to assassinate one of its critics Prossy Boona in Uganda.

The informant has today received a picture of an Assassin whose last piece of deadly work was in South Africa, he has been given orders to use all means to assassinate Prossy for her continued criticism of Paul Kagame aka Pilato.

Prossy has been ranting all over the world after the kidnap of his husband Rwema years ago by DMI agents in Uganda, the Husband was transported to Rwanda by Pilato’s agent and kept under lock never to be seen again.

Prossy through her organisation Self Worth Initiative recently wrote to the foreign affairs ministry and the president protesting the release of Rwandan criminals believed to have kidnapped over 400 innocent people most of which were killed by Kagame on arrival.

It should be remembered that the Uganda government out of it’s bid to restore relations with Rwanda released suspects held in it’s custody in a show of good faith, the Rwandan authorities in return killed a Ugandan for crossing the border and refused to re-open their border citing Uganda’s refusal to hand over the likes of Prossy, Rwanda insist Uganda should sign an extraction agreement with them.

Prossy known for her straightforwardness regarding human right issues has been giving DMI sleepless nights, not even the President of Uganda can convince her to stay away from her fight against abuse.

The picture below is a the alleged assasin that has been dispatched to travel to Uganda on a mission, intelligence sources from Rwanda suggest he will go through Tanzania or Congo using a fake passport most probably from Congo. He is expected to travel to Kenya for a rest after his big mission.

By Seruga Titus

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