Rwanda: Kagame’s foreign policy mirrors the level of totalitarian delusion within the state.

One thing that the Kagame regime has perfected, is intense provocation followed by an act of victimhood coupled with demands. The regime is like a person that hits you and then wants you to apologize for the pain you feel as a result of their aggression.

In Kagame’s Rwanda, victims of arbitrary arrests write apology letters to Kagame, relatives of assassinated people blame the victims, judges are told the quantum of punishment to be meted to opponents of the regime and members of parliament can be summarily dismissed.

The environment of unbridled power has created a narcissist who does not know where his limits are. As a result, Kagame’s foreign policy mirrors the level of totalitarian delusion within the state. Thats equally the source of tension between Uganda and Rwanda’s Kagame.

By Rutaburingoga Sulah Wakabirigi

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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