Rwanda now claims that those deported were RNC not their spies

I like Rwanda for thinking they are smart, look at their PR Machinery drying itself on deported goons.

Rwanda now claims that those deported were RNC not their spies so they are going to be arrested, why not arrest them than tell us.

Rwanda now claims they planted an informant in ISO that led to the arrest of innocent people who are going to be persecuted in Rwanda, this PR MACHINERY is admiting that they have a Mole in ISO why? No country admits that. they are admitting they are persecuting people, which country does that?

The truth is that this operation wasn’t carried out by ISO therefore Kaka can’t be involved the operation was carried out by CMI so they are cooking a story on the wrong facts or they are actually targeting Kaka as they have done.

Patrick Kateihwaho tell your friends to get lessons.


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Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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