At Smart Africa meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on January 31, 2017, Rwandan head of state, Paul Kagame, announced spectacular plans to change Africa. Kagame is on the move – ready to transform Africa through ICT, as Chairman of Smart Africa. The Rwandan president called for 6 things to transform African homes, offices, schools, and cities:
1. Artificial Intelligence

2. Robotics

3. Drones

4. Big Data

5. Block Chain

6. 3D Printing

This is how Kagame put it at the said Addis Ababa meeting:
“To succeed in making African homes, offices, schools and cities smart, we have to harness opportunities in exponential technologies. These technologies include artificial intelligence, robotics, drones, big data, block chain, and 3D printing.”
But while Kagame was announcing his “exponential technologies”, his audience appeared rather worried. Including his ICT minister.

Folks, hold on to your seats! You haven’t seen nothing yet, as they say in America.
By David Himbara