You know the signs of the Rwandan elections nightmare. You saw the signs during the 2003 elections. You then saw the signs again in 2010. You are already seeing the signs. Here are some of the happenings as get closer to August 2017 in case you haven’t been paying attention.
* Suddenly, a publisher of a major newspaper is found to be owing large amounts of money to Rwanda Revenue Authority in addition to having committed “other serious crimes.” This is what just happened to Shyaka Kanuma. He has been arrested, and his Rwanda Focus shut down.
* Suddenly, an investigative and outspoken journalist and publisher of Great Lakes Voice is found to have engaged in subversive activities endangering the state. This is what just happened to Bob Mugabe. He now has to regularly report to the Rwanda police. Mugabe has also recently survived two attempted kidnappings. Only his cellphone was kidnapped.
* Suddenly, a prominent lawyer is shot and killed at a police roadblock near Kigali Convention Centre. This is what just happened to Toy Nzamwita.
* Suddenly, a prominent senator drops dead at the stairs of the senate chambers. This is what just happened at Jean de Dieu Mucyo.
* Suddenly, a businessman shoots himself to death. This is what just happened to Venuste Rwabukamba.
* Suddenly, a Rwandan citizen heading home to run against president Paul Kagame is barred from boarding a Rwanda-bound flight, and forced to return to where he came from. This is what just happened to Padiri Thomas Nahimana.
All the above happened in a matter of three months – October to December 2016.
Kagame, his officials and sycophants keep a straight face and tell the world that all of these things are mere coincidences. If you dare think otherwise, you are an enemy of the state, and will therefore face the same fate.
Strange the more violence unleashed on the Rwandan population, the more the Rwandan ruler feels insecure. Hence the police roadblocks.
Meanwhile, the armoured jackets Kagame wears to protect himself from the Rwandan people whom he falsely claims they love and want him to become life president will continue to expand.
Here we go again.