The Rwandan government has allegedly refused entry to Rwanda to a 7-month old Rwandan baby returning from exile with her mother. The mother, Claire Nadine Kasinge and her baby have since Wednesday November 23rd, 2016, been sleeping on the floor or the chairs in the Nairobi, Kenya airport boarding room.
Claire Nadine Kasinge is the spokesperson of ISHEMA, a Rwandan political party based in exile and co-founded by Father Thomas Nahimana, a Catholic priest. Father Nahimana, 45, on his return to Rwanda, after 11 years of exile, was barred from boarding a flight to Kigali, Rwanda on Wednesday Nov 23th, 2016, a statement from
him and the supporters of his political part ISHEMA, said. According to sources, he was planning to register his Ishema party, upon his return to Rwanda and then run in the 2017 presidential election.
Since Wednesday, Father Thomas Nahimana and his companions, including Claire Nadine Kasinge and her 7-month old baby, have been sleeping in the airport waiting room in Nairobi. FULL STORY