Rwandan soldiers kidnap another Ugandan citizen from Ugandan soils

Rwandan Soldiers deployed along the Uganda/Rwanda border on Saturday kidnapped a Ugandan national, another attempt that could make the two countries’ relations bitter.

Levi Karuhanga,45, resident of Mushenyi village in Rubaya sub county in Kabale District was kidnapped by Rwandan Soldiers at least 30 metres in the Ugandan soil where he was burning his charcoal for sale.

He was kidnapped after Rwandan soldiers,who were chasing Rwandan smugglers crossed to Uganda.

The Soldiers allegedly said he was a Rwandan national who was disguising as a Ugandan before they arrested him.

Rwanda has on several times arrested and shot many people ,both Ugandans and Rwandans who dare cross through porous border points.

Rwanda started the shoot to kill policy in late February 2019 when it closed its borders with Uganda, accusing Kampala of giving aid and comfort to her enemies,who had intentions of overthrowing the Kigali regime.

Since then,the borders have been closed despite several attempts to settle disputes between the two countries.

Rwanda has since shot dead at least seven Ugandans, and several other of her citizens.

Kampala has on several occasions regarded the killings as acts of provocations.

On 28th May this year, Obed Nicholas Tugumisirize a Ugandan farmer was kidnapped by Rwandan soldiers from his garden in Kitojo village Katuna town council along Uganda-Rwanda border. He was later on released.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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