Rwandans are dealing with a different pandemic: the disappearance of people at the hands of the government.

By Claude Gatebuke

While the whole world deals with the Coronavirus pandemic, Rwandans are dealing with a different pandemic: the disappearance of people at the hands of the government. The Paul Kagame regime continues to abduct people and wants to keep it hidden.

Today, I want to shine a light on 3 of such individuals: Mitsindo Viateur (pictured left) a youth developer specializing in acrobatics has been missing for 3 weeks, while Elysee Ndagijimana (pictured right), and Ndayishimiye Ethiene (no picture yet) have been missing for a month, they went missing at the same time.

A week after multiple alarms seeking to know Mitsindo’s whereabouts, authorities in Rwanda claimed to have arrested him. In spite of their claim of having him, AUTHORITIES STILL HAVEN’T PRODUCED HIM IN PUBLIC.

As is routine in Rwanda, when people are disappeared, they are tortured. Thanks to secret audios from the late beloved famous gospel artist Kizito Mihigo who made public these torture chambers and techniques, the government can’t deny this practice.

It is highly suspected that these individuals have been tortured and therefore have not been produced in court or in public until signs of torture are no longer visible. I would be happy if the government of Rwanda proved me wrong and released them to their families with no signs of torture. But even if he’s been tortured, the government of Rwanda must immediately release him.
The government has remained quiet on Elysee Ndagijimana and Ndayishimiye Ethiene.

In a country as tightly controlled by the military and police, basically a police state, authorities surely have them if they have not killed them. They must also release them to the family ASAP.

SHARE WIDELY and raise awareness about these injustices.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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