Seruga Titus: How does Kagame become so heartless to arrest a family member simply because their relative has a different view of how things should be done?”

Not only have you chased away your political enemies, you have followed them and killed them in exile, you have also persecuted their families, I guess Rwandese are now so scared of mentioning you name on the streets.

Leaders like Paul Kagame aka Pilato shouldn’t come anywhere close to our Uganda, if it were possible we would ask God to move Rwanda a little more North.

How do you become so heartless to arrest a family member simply because their relative has a different view of how things should be done.

But whats the international community doing with this neighbour of ours, are they waiting for another mass killings for them to pronounce Rwanda an unsafe country for humans. A country where people are about to seek police permission to have sex.

Seruga Titus: How does Kagame become so heartless to arrest a family member simply because their relative has a different view of how things should be done?"

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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