SOS: LIVES IN DANGER – Idamange and others

Earlier today February 15,2021, Rwandan authorities forces (either military or police or both) stormed the home of outspoken critic Idamange, a mother of four and took multiple people from the home.

Idamange is a mother of four children whose underage son was kidnapped overnight by authorities last Wednesday only to be dropped off some unknown place in the morning after lots of pressure calling out this kidnapping ( Since then, supporters of the regime claim that the 16-year-old was being held “in a stadium “ for violating Coronavirus curfew. However authorities did not notify his mother. Also, minors are not normally held in stadiums for these violations according to Rwanda’s laws.

While the kidnapping of the son was the worst since Ms. Idamange emerged in the public, there has been lesser but sustained attacks on her. She has been bullied, dehumanized, harassed and threatened online by Rwandan authorities and propagandists. However it didn’t stop online. According to her, mass murderer and currently inspector general of Rwanda’s police Gen. Dan Munyuza as well as Rwanda’s minister of justice Johnston Busingye and Rwandan government official Edouard Bamporiki spoke to her and asked that she quits criticizing the government. The offered bribes and failed. Then they turned to threats. In her own words, she said that she was told that they can kill her and the noise will ONLY last one week.

Just as a reminder, beloved gospel singer was also mistreated, harassed and tortured by the government before his assassination. Two of the people involved in Kizito’s plight are also involved in the case of Ms. Idamange, namely Gen. Edouard Bamporiki and Gen. Dan Munyuza, a well known assassin. Kizito Mihigo documented this in secret audios from prison released after his assassination (

Prior to his initial imprisonments on trumped up charges, Kizito had been kidnapped, tortured paraded in front of media in handcuffs and made to confess under torture. Notice the pattern of kidnapping??? Well in case you haven’t notice the pattern, maybe you’ve seen the film “Hotel
Rwanda” made after Paul Rusesabagina who sheltered over 1200 people during the gruesome Rwandan Genocide. Paul Rusesabagina was also kidnapped last year and taken to Rwanda for a trial planned to start this Wednesday February 17, 2021.

What do Idamange, Kizito and Rusesabagina have in common? ( They are all critics of the Kagame regime. Idamange and Rusesabagina have been especially bold and outspoken. Kizito on the other hand was imprisoned and killed for singing a song recognizing massive numbers of people killed by Kagame and his RPF (Rwanda’s ruling party).

Kagame and his government bank on the silent complicity of both the public (you and me but especially Rwandans abroad who watch all of this in silence) as well as the complicity of the international community who remain silent as long as he’s a good puppet of the west. They bank on all of this happening in the dark with the public not knowing that it happens. This is where you come in by sharing news like this and making sure THE WORLD KNOWS. Your shining a light on this matters. So do share widely.

If you are a taxpayer in America, Britain, Canada, Sweden, Holland, of another donor nation to Rwanda; this is what your taxes are being used for. Demand your members of Congress, MPs and foreign aid departments do freeze aid to Rwanda until the Kagame regime begins respecting human rights.


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