SOS! This video clip shows Ugandan young women that claim to have been “exported” to work as maids in Saudi Arabia.

Kizza Besigye

This video clip shows Ugandan young women that claim to have been “exported” to work as maids in Saudi Arabia. They’re crying for help to be saved from congested detention centres in Jeddah, in which they’ve been held for months.

They say many have been dying and dead bodies remain for sometime before they’re removed; some have developed mental illnesses; and they’ve no clothes and basic necessaries of life.

It’s not clear from the clip, how they got to these centres and what processes will lead to their freedom and return home.

They’re calling on Mama Fiina, who, they say, helps desperate ladies, to come to their rescue!

This appears to be an indictment of the NRM/M7 Junta for failing to provide basic consular services to our citizens.

Uganda has a fully fledged Embassy in Saudi Arabia and there are “Patriots” in Kampala that “ushered in peace and development”, but these women only look up to Mama Fiina for help!!

Similar alarms have been heard before from various countries, especially in the Gulf and Middle East. I’ve seen representations made to Parliarment on the subject. However, the problem seems to continue and, may be, get worse.

With the closure of our boarders due to Covid19 pandemic, all our Embassies should have taken responsibility to ensure safety and wellbeing of Ugandans under their areas of accreditation. This clearly was never the case.

Those of us who are not physically confined have an urgent duty to save our brothers and sisters in such a distress abroad or at home. We shall be pointing out how soon. Stay tuned and ready.


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