South Kivu: Doctor Mukwege hands over 42 houses built for survivors in Kavumu, Katana and Kalehe

Dr Denis Mukwege

The Congolese Nobel Prize winner, Doctor Denis Mukwege officially handed over 42 houses to several women survivors of sexual violence in Kavumu, Katana or in the chiefdom of Buhavu in Kalehe.

These are 9 houses built in the Bugorhe group, 15 in Katana and 18 in Kalehe.

The symbol is strong! The man who repairs the women personally went to the place to deliver these houses to these 42 beneficiaries.

Indeed, it is still in Kavumu that Doctor Denis Mukwege had traveled a few years before when the rape of children was in full swing. He called on women and men to mobilize to put an end to this tragedy.

House – Survivor – Mukwege

A former family home of a survivor. She and her family will now have to leave this place for their new home. Ph.
A few years later, he has not forgotten the entity and arrived to pay tribute to all these women who have taken the courage to rebuild their lives, to become once again these autonomous and important women for society.

“I am extremely fortunate to have and work with women like you. Kavumu is for me a great example of strong women, those who can change the history of our country, ” says Mukwege to applause.

The president of the Panzi Foundation therefore symbolically handed over the keys of the houses to a few women. He also took the opportunity to visit houses built of planks.

With a living room and 3 bedrooms, each house also has a toilet and a bathroom.

For Dr Denis Mukwege, sleeping in a good house can protect the health and safety of women and their families.

The representative of these women gathered within the 73 Mutuals of Solidarity, (MUSO) on behalf of all the beneficiaries explained that the gesture of Doctor Mukwege comes to meet a huge need for housing for several of them. She didn’t stop calling back

“We have been through enormous atrocities in this country. We would like to thank the Panzi Foundation for the support at all levels since 2010. This is notably health care, education for us and our children, legal and economic support, etc. In 2015, Doctor Denis Mukwege bought us fields to reduce poverty. In 2014 you built 73 houses for us in Kavumu, Katana and Kalehe, this year you are building 42 houses for us through different partners. We lived in houses similar to the pigsty. Today, these houses give us back value like all other people. Many thanks for you our dad for taking the heavy responsibility to help the suffering women in our country. We will continue to pray for you ”,explains Mrs. Bernadette Mwa Kanani who, with insistence, calls for an end to impunity for the perpetrators of serious crimes against women.

“I don’t know how to explain the joy that drives me right now. We lived in a dramatic and inexplicable situation for several years until we met Doctor Denis Mukwege. He healed us physically, psychologically, intellectually and even economically. We ask Doctor Mukwege not to forget other women who are in need like us ”, insists a beneficiary, smiling.

Finally, Doctor Denis Mukwege recommended that all the documents of the houses bear the names of the beneficiaries and not of third parties.

House – Panzi- Survivor Foundation

A survivor and her family will now have to join this house built thanks to Doctor Mukwege. Ph.
“We will continue to ensure that each house is registered in the name of each female beneficiary, in order to prevent it from being sold for one reason or another. We will make sure that you do not go back to square one. ” , concludes Dr Mukwege.

“The works of our Nobel Prize speak for themselves in the 8 territories of the Province”
It must be said that this ceremony took place in the presence of several officials. It is for example the representative of the Chief of Chefferie of Kabare, that of the Chief of Buhavu in Kalehe, the Head of Division of Gender, Family and Children, the Head of the Planning Division and the representative of the Division of Social Affairs.

For Madame Jacqueline Ngengele, Head of the Gender, Family and Child Division, the works of Doctor Mukwege “speak” across the 8 territories and throughout the DRC.

“I don’t know what to say. The works of our Nobel Prize speak for themselves in the 8 territories of the Province. I think God had a plan to allow him to be born in our country. We don’t know what we would do without him. This situation has lasted too long but God has found a formula through our Nobel Prize. Thank you very much because you share what you receive by taking care of the women and men victims of atrocities ”, says Jacqueline Ngengele.

The construction of these 42 houses will have been possible thanks to the financial support of the Luxembourg Cooperation. The Ceremony took place at the Cituzo Primary School of the 8th CEPAC in Kavumu.

Jean-Luc M.

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