Suicide or Assassination? Father commits suicide as wife takes away two children

A man identified as Patrick Nshimiyimana, 36, from Gatare III cell, Nyamata sector in Bugesera has committed suicide by hanging at an avocado tree with a rope around the neck.

According to sources, the man was estranged with her wife Rebecca Umumararungu who had left two children sired together.

A domestic servant at their home said that Nshimiyimana took his life as he returned home on Tuesday and found the two children taken away by her wife.

The man is believed to have climbed onto the top of an avocado tree and hang himself with a rope. The domestic worker alerted residents to rescue the hanging man but it was too late to save his life.

Speaking to IGIHE, the executive secretary of Nyamata sector, Innocent Mushenyi attributed the man’s suicide to estrangement with his wife.

“The cause is not yet established but he had persistent conflicts with his wife that was no longer reported to officials,” he said.

Mushenyi appealed to residents to report domestic conflicts on time and take part in Government’s programs including parents’ forum where various issues are collectively addressed.

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