Tension between Rwanda and Burundi: the sprinkler could be sprinkled

Tension between Rwanda and Burundi: the sprinkler could be sprinkled

According to sources very close to Burundian and Tanzanian intelligence, the Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who governs Rwanda by proxy of the Western countries and their multinationals, would consider involving his army for simultaneous military attacks on the two countries, Burundi and Tanzania.

These sources revealed that everything was planned according to a double standard combining an attempt at regime change via an insurgency movement like that of 2015 where a small group of extremely violent demonstrators clashed with the police for almost three weeks, supported by an arsenal of Western press organs and even lobbies in the UN Security Council.  We will remember that during and after the insurgency, everything was done to make the world believe that the Burundian authorities were committing genocide against the Tutsi minority.  The insurgency ended with a failed coup and an electoral process which led to the presidential election of the incumbent President Pierre Nkurunziza.

The second scenario wants to combine the first one with the Ivorian case where the candidate Laurent Gbagbo, the big winner of the presidential elections because supported by the majority of the population, saw himself declared the big loser in favor of Alassane Wattara, a stooge in the pay of France and USA.

In the case of Burundi, things are planned to take place in two phases, according to the same source. First, Agathon Rwasa, President of the National Congress for Freedom (CNL), will yell out that his votes were stolen, despite the fact that the current polls give 75% to the CNDD-FDD, and a little less than 20% to the CNL. His statement, which will be relayed by Western media, will be made after the presidential election of May 20, 2020, from a Western embassy in Bujumbura, which will then help him leave the country.

Second and simultaneously, Agathon Rwasa will launch armed attacks with a pseudo rebellion composed of residual members of his CNL, RED-TABARA, the MSD of Alexis Sinduhije, and some deserters from the Burundian army. It is this pseudo rebellion that will serve as a Trojan horse for the Rwandan army. In other words, it will be mainly soldiers of the Rwandan army disguised as rebels.

Indeed, according to our sources, the Rwandan army does not intend to act officially until Kagame and its Western sponsors have the certainty that the takeover of Bujumbura is imminent, « supposedly to stop the ongoing genocide in Burundi », as it was wished, but failed, in 2015.

Considered as a great and unconditional ally of Burundi, Tanzania will be attacked in the aim to dissuade the latter from any interference in this operation against Burundi. In addition, Kagame never digested the defeat of the M23 in 2010 in DRC by the Tanzanian special force, with the help of Burundi which would have lent its airport for airstrikes, and even troops on the ground.

The same sources also confided that it is by knowing this macabre plan that Burundi and Tanzania would have decided not to confine their respective populations against Covid-19, having been informed that Rwanda would have taken the opportunity to launch its operations of destabilization against these two countries. Indeed, confinement of the population would mean quarantining the civil self-defense force, considered to be an avant-garde force against any external aggression.

From 2014 until very recently in 2020, Burundi has suffered several armed attacks by Rwanda. The most recent was on May 8, 2020, and took place in the waters of Rweru Lakes, in northern Burundi, when a Rwandan navy boat first fired at the Burundian navy.  Reliable sources report a soldier killed on the Burundian side and 3 soldiers killed on the Rwandan side.

According to sources close to Burundian intelligence, Burundi has long been prepared for any eventuality. A well-engineered defense secret plan is already in place to defend the country while operating tactical progressions will target the capture of Kigali via rebel movements hostile to the Rwandan regime, and which will be joined by part of the Rwandan army, and with the support of the population on the ground.

As for the Ugandan adage which says that « who strikes in shit is the first splashed ».

By Charles O. Obua
Trumpet News Writer, Kampala
Saturday, May 9, 2020

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