Duty to remember! Now that he is free of his word, no longer in business, the successor of Nelson Mandela is committed to witness and teach the younger on the geopolitical realities that surround the fate of Africa.
On the occasion of a recent interview with the show “Talk to Al Jazeera” Thabo Mbeki made a number of revelations. He explained that his country was under strong pressure from Prime Minister Tony Blair asking him to cooperate in a military invasion of Zimbabwe, whose aim was to overthrow Robert Mugabe and replace Morgan Tsvangirai.
“There is a head of the British armed forces (Lord Charles Guthrie) who said that he had to resist pressure from the then Prime Minister of the UK Tony Blair asking him to set up a military plan to physically overthrow Robert Mugabe. We know this because we experienced the same pressures inviting us to cooperate in such a scheme. It was a regime change scheme, which would eventually involve the use of military force. We said no. (…) You just London and you say you do not like Robert Mugabe for reasons specific to you. People in London do not like it and say they will remove and put someone else in his place. But the name of what it gets there a British responsibility to decide who leads Zimbabwe? (…) We said no. Let Zimbabweans to sit down and come to an agree on what is good for their country “ , revealed Thabo Mbeki. The president of the Association of Zimbabwe war veterans Jabulani Sibanda commented on the words of former South African President. “It says Thabo Mbeki is true .What is happening in North Africa [note: Libya] and the Middle East [ie Syria] is the same strategy that they wanted to use in Southern Africa. The only difference is that this strategy has worked in northern Ecuador, judging by the history of coups in North Africa, has not worked in southern Ecuador where they had problems with their strategy because the majority of the ruling parties are former liberation movements and have resisted such moves “ , he said the retired general Mark Nyambuya. Malian senior officers, Ivorian, Cameroonian and Central African can -they will swagger like Mark Nyambuya?
Theophilus Kouamouo
Source: http://www.black-feelings.com/accueil/detail-actualite/article/thabo-mbeki-tony-blair-a-formater-un-coup-detat-contre-robert-mugabe-lafrique-du-sud-a-refuse-de-cautionner-cela/