By: Rpf Gakwerere

On 10th December 19 and 29 December, I posted on my Facebook page about certain individuals in Uganda who have been identified and fast tracked for elimination by assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza because they are soft targets. Assassin Dan Munyuza is the current IGP of the potato enclave and head of Uganda desk.

For years, Prossy Boona, a human rights activist has been a target for elimination by criminal Paul Kagame and his murderous intelligence services. Since she came ought to denounce the kidnapping of her husband – Rwema Gendarme, who was kidnapped on 8th April 2015 by Criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence services, Prossy Boona’s life was blacklisted for elimination . For criminal Paul Kagame, the brutal dictator expects victims to keep quiet when he incarcerates or kills their loved ones, something that Prossy Boona refused.

In intelligence terms, human rights activist – Prossy Boona is a soft target because she doesn’t have close protection personnel guarding her life. This opens opportunities for Criminal Paul Kagame’s assassins to go for a noise operation i.e assassination by shooting. For a quiet operation, i.e assassination by poisoning, it’s next to impossible because those who have been blacklisted by the potato enclave’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), now rebranded as Defense Intelligence tends to be disciplined in whatever they eat.

For the past four years, Prossy Boona has been a daily feature in criminal Paul Kagame – DMI owned and managed tabloids. Prossy Boona’s human rights activism, especially against foreign terrorism in Uganda, has led to criminal Paul Kagame’s owned tabloids to dehumanise, character assassinate and attacked her on daily basis. And now, criminal Paul Kagame wants to shut her permanently through what he does best, elimination.

According to intelligence sources, DMI is sending an agent to Uganda to build a small assassination cell aimed at eliminating Prossy Boona. It should be noted that, for the past 3 years, Uganda’s counter intelligence personnel has managed to destroy DMI cells in the country, and DMI operatives are being intercepted days and nights.

Criminal Paul Kagame’s terrorist cells in Uganda have faced numerous setbacks with deep embedded double agents who work for criminal Paul Kagame being uprooted from Uganda’s intelligence services, and other sensitive positions.

Recently, criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence operatives have switched in what is known in intelligence operations as “emergency operations.” These are operations carried out in the shortest time possible and quick in time flame work i.e in assassination, extraction, communication gathering…etc. Prossy Boona being a soft target, DMI has planned for an “emergency operation” to eliminate her. Moving in, hitting the target and quickly withdrawing out of the country; thus avoiding traceability and capture.

Within the potato enclave (Rwanda), Dictator Paul Kagame’s peregesi – Brig Gen Dan Munyuza is looking for a quick kill in order to impress his criminal minded boss.

Uganda’s intelligence desk is enormously funded, and criminal Paul Kagame expects results. And to criminal Paul Kagame, results is measured in terms of assassinations.

Investigation in the planned assassination of Prossy Boona and her fellow activists is still ongoing…..

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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