By Seruga Titus

His first victim was Major General Fred Rwigyema.
After using him Kagame knew he had to treat him in a special way. The only other option was to kill him. It looks like Kagame chose to keep him to continue killing his real and imagined enemies.

Kagame also gave Kabarebe everything he or Rwanda could afford. He never went war expect in DRC & commanding as a General Officer, He was made Chief Of Staff of a foreign army ( DRC), He was the first CDF for the Rwandan army.

He was made Minister of Defense and took all the powers of the incoming CDF. He was made Presidential adviser and Kabarebe created his own power center in Rwanda and DRC. Kagame couldn’t touch him and cannot touch him.

Kagame had planned to kill him once but he was saved by Nyamwasa and Karegeya. These two officers are said to have known the plan to kill Rwigyema. Although they were not involved, they didn’t make any effort to prevent that criminal act.

We still take the assassination of General Fred Rwigema and General Habyarimana as treasonable acts because the death of the two ‘organic’ leaders of the fighting forces directly led to the genocide against the Tutsi.

This is so because all the said armies began operating like militias because non of the got a leader. Generals manage while violence while War Lords conduct violence. The War Lords that took over the Rwandan army Sindikubwabo and Kambanda ordered the Rwandan army to kill civilians ( Tutsis). A good number refused and another significant number got involved in genocide.

The War Lord who killed Fred Rwigyema and took over RPF/RPA, also committed genocide against the Hutu people. It doesn’t matter whether the world accepts or not. It happened anyway. He ordered his army to kill Hutus in Northern Rwanda and later in the rest of the country and DRC.

His violence didn’t end in Rwanda, he took it to DRC then to Burundi, Uganda, Kenya( Many Rwandans were killed in Kenya) Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, South Africa Nyamwasa was shot here. Karegeya was killed in South Africa.
Pilato is still involved in conflict against Ugandan, Tanzania and Burundi. He is also involved in massacres of Hutu and Tutsis who speak against his regime. The last prominent one was Kizito Mihigo, the one he is stalking is Aimable Karasira, a University Professor, artist and political commentator.

Kabarebe continued to commit more crimes; Mass killings in Rwanda and DRC

Today he is,telling one group of Rwandan youth to prepare to kill another group of Rwandan youth. To him he, reconciliation and peace are both overrated.

To RDF Officers; Help Africa. Kabarebe shouldn’t be in uniform but in Jail in Arusha. Deliver him & give Gen Fred Rwigyema justice.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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