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The main achievement is now Rwandan girls are free to come to Kampala. So, married women in Uganda are the main losers in the ANGOLA JOKES

I have seen some naive Ugandans and Rwandans getting excited about the peace jokes that have happened today in Angola between M7 and Pilato.

The fact of the matter remains that Rwanda and Uganda are technically still at war. War doesn’t only mean firing guns at each other, it involves sabotage, assassinations, media wars, economic wars, diplomatic wars etc.

There are several types of war, e.g. Cold War, Asymmetric war, conventional war, total war etc. Uganda and Rwanda are fighting both a cold war and an asymmetric war but it’s not yet a total war. The number of faceless DMI Twitter and FB accounts that are constantly attacking M7 is evidence of the asymmetrical battleground. Rwandan DMI websites like Rushyasha, Virunga, etc are some of the fighting forces Rwanda is using.

The fact remains that the economic situation in Pilato’s enclave has terribly worsened ever since he closed his border and he needed a way out which the jokes in Angola have provided.

The fact that M7 and Kagame needed to fly to Angola to talk, instead of Kigali, Kampala, Muhazi Rwakitura, Entebbe, or Kisozi should tell any wise person the two leaders are still at war.

The main achievement is now Rwandan girls are free to come to Kampala so married women in Uganda are the main losers in the ANGOLA JOKES.

Mpozi we have now taught our women how to effectively squirt after the drought caused by closing of the border.


Where credibility Matters

By Seruga Titus

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