Under criminal Paul Kagame nothing is permanent or constant except him and his immediate family, the rest are disposed after their usefulness. Dictator Paul Kagame raised from the streets of Kampala, Uganda, to the presidency in Rwanda by using people to achieve his objectives and aims, and once he gets whatever he wants, they are mercilessly disposed. From war time hero – Gen Fred Rwigema, to now Gen Patrick Nyamvumba, they were all cunningly used by criminal Paul Kagame.
Criminal Paul Kagame has always been a person who knows what he wants, and can go at any length to achieve his aims, objectives and goals. Paul Kagame is a master of machiavellian operation, an outplay that is best on evil cunning, scheming and unscrupulous manoeuvres. In short, dictator Paul Kagame is satan himself.
1) Gen Patrick Nyamvumba: He is currently under house arrest . In April 2020, after being sacked as a minister of internal security, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba started that process of being sidelined and if the needs arise, the master will give him a one way tick to the graveyard, we all know how criminal Paul Kagame rewards those loyal servants that he sees their usefulness as no longer required.
For years, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba was a brainless loyal servant of Dictactor Paul Kagame, to the extent of hunting down whoever questioned his master without sparing his own relatives. In a bid to appease the great SATAN OF KIGALI, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba hunted his own relatives who are spread across different parts of the world, and even when his own wife Suzan Mutabaruka Nyamvumba fled Rwanda to Canada due to Jeannette Kagame’s hatred towards her, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba continued serving the Satan of Kigali until he was unceremoniously thrown out of the government after weeks of being humiliated on live national Television by his boss – Paul Kagame.
After being humiliated and unceremoniously being thrown out of the satanic regime, Patrick Nyamvumba was placed under Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) safe house in Kimihurura, where he spent two months under constant interrogation by two security teams, one led by notorious assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza and another led by Co – vice president Brig Gen Willy Rwagasana, head of the presidential guard Division and real Chief of defence staff.
Currently, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba was moved from a safe house custody to his home, and placed under house arrest. This former kagamist minion became the shortest-serving minister in Rwanda.
Prior to becoming a minister of internal security, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba served as the Chief of the Rwandan Defence Force from 2013 to November 2019, he served in Sudan as Force Commander of the AU-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID). A graduate of the Nigerian Defence Academy, Nyamvumba previously served the RDF as a commander of infantry forces, Commandant of the Rwanda Military Academy in Nyakinama, Musanze District, President of the Military High Court (2007-2009), Chief of Logistics, and Chief of Operations, Plans, and Training (1998-1999).
2) Col Andrew Nyamvumba: He is a young brother to Gen Patrick Nyamvumba. Col Andrew Nyamvumba worked in Criminal Paul Kagame’s office as the head of strategy. On 18th July 2018, he was then appointed to head Criminal Paul Kagame’s bloodthirsty organisation, the Directorate of Military Intelligence and he was dramatically sacked on 2nd September 2019 due to “incompetence.” Under Paul Kagame’s DMI, competence is measured on numbers of people assassinated, Kidnapped or any human rights abuse, and col Andrew Nyamvumba failed to deliver on that front.
His failure to shed blood of innocent people led to his dismissal as the head of dictactor Paul Kagame’s terrorist franchise, the Directorate of Military Intelligence. And from the 2nd September 2019 to present, he has been sidelined and under close surveillance.
3) John Nyamvumba: He was in charge of ICT and communication in criminal PaulKagame’s office. John Nyanvumba was known as the principle hacker in Dictator Paul Kagame’s office, and one of his main role was to sabotage platforms i.e websites and social media accounts that questions criminal Paul Kagame and his satanic regime.
In early May 2020, John Nyanvumba’s work contract was dramatically cancelled without any reason. Since May 2020 to present, he has been jobless and anti Kagame activists have at least survived one notorious hacker who was specialised in sending all forms of malicious malware.
4) Robert Nyamvumba: He is a young brother to Gen Patrick Nyamvumba. Robert Nyamvumba was arrested early May 2020 on corruption charges. He is being incarcerated on a corruption case, yet he didn’t take any single coin from the deal. What he did, was to pass instructions from the president’s office to the intended person, Janvier Elizalde.
Robert Nyanvumba was a former Division Manager in charge of energy at the Ministry of Infrastructure. Robert Nyamvumba is being prosecuted for attempting to solicit a bribe worth 7.2 billion Rwf from Javier Elizalde, a Spanish investor who had submitted a tender to set up street lighting in Rwanda.
The satanic regime alleges to have committed the crimes in January of this year, 2020. The regime states in 2019, Elizalde won a tender worth more than 72 billion Rwf to set up street lights in Rwanda. And by January 2020, the tender was only remaining with contractual signing for the project to start, and this is when Robert Nyamvumba called the Spanish national requesting him to come to Kigali for contractual signing. Elizalde who was in Spain at that time agreed to travel to Rwanda to meet Robert Nyamvumba.
During the meeting, Robert Nyamvumba told the spanish investor the instructions he was given by criminal Paul Kagame’s office. Robert Nyanvumba who was operating under instructions told Javier Elizalde that, “there is a top official in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) who wanted a 10 percent commission of the total value of the tender.” He further told the Spanish investor, “failure to cede the 10 per cent commission would lead to the tender to be withdrawn from him.”
However, in a court hearing, Robert Nyanvumba said he was following instructions from above, and the money was to be paid on Jean Damascene Niyomugabo’s bank account. All oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans know that Jean Damascene Niyomugabo manages some of criminal Paul Kagame’s businesses. For example, Jean Damascene Niyomugabo manages Master Steel Ltd, on behalf of Ivan Cyomoro Kagame. Master Steel Ltd which manufactures construction material is exclusively owned by Ivan Cyomoro Kagame.
By Robert Nyanvumba instructing the Spanish investor to pay 10 per cent commission of the 72 billion Rwf – street lighting tender contract, into Jean Damascene Niyomugabo’s account demonstrates who was behind the corruption.
Robert Nyanvumba and Jean Damascene Niyomugabo don’t know each other at all, Niyomugabo is known to the Kagames because he manages some of his businesses.
Using this case to pin Robert Nyanvumba on corruption charges shows how criminal Paul Kagame is inept and mentally sick. Like all silly goons and minions within the satanic regime, Robert Nyamvumba was following instructions from above, and now, his paying the price for diligently serving satan.
The Nyamvumba brothers heartdly served the SATAN of Kigali, they kidnapped, tortured, killed, stole, betrayed, lied and hunted for him; and after their usefulness are no longer required, they were dumped, humiliated, dehumanised, incarcerated and they are now candidates for criminal Paul Kagame’s one way tickets to the graveyard.
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By: Rpf Gakwerere
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