The poison was administered in a tea & served to Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba during a meeting at the ministry of defence by Eugene Karekezi.

By: Rpf Gakwerere


Yesterday, 19th October 19, I received info from an NISS (National Intelligence and Security Services) contact stating the individual that was used in administering to poison which eventually killed Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba.

The potato enclave’s intelligence operations in eliminating what it perceives as criminal Paul Kagame’s enemies has always taken four crucial dimensions; and these are poisoning, strangulation, hits (either being gunned down, hit with a metal on the head or stabbing) and the process of kidnapping, torture and execution.

In all the above operation methodologies, criminal Paul Kagame’s dreaded intelligence apparatus uses elements that are close to the target(s), like friends, relatives, work colleagues..etc. Thousands of innocent Rwandans have lost their lives at the hands of those they trusted.

Wives have participated in elimination of their husbands and vice versa, parents have betrayed their children and vice versa, relatives have sold each other for criminal Paul Kagame’s dime or favours, friends have betrayed each other, neighbour has turned against a neighbour…etc; Rwanda’s social fabric has turned into a batch of sell outs, ready to sell anyone to criminal Paul Kagame for elimination. Human consciousness has evaporated as they swim in blood of innocent people.

Back to Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba’s case, criminal Paul Kagame’s dreaded intelligence services used someone close to him to administer the poison against an innocent and well educated general. According this NISS contact, the person who was tasked with administering the poison was Eugene Karekezi a trusted personal secretary attached with Rwanda’s ministry of defence.

According to this source, Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba was a very careful man who didn’t eat or drink anyhow or anywhere, he was careful, and very well knew that his living among people who wants him dead. The source notes, in 2017, Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba personally told treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe that whatever has happened to him and his family, he has been the architecture.

The NSS source notes that, the poison was administered in a tea which was served to Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba during a meeting at the ministry of defence by his trusted personal secretary, Eugene Karekezi who was born in Gitarama, Rwanda and raise in Rwanda, those who are referred within Rwanda terminology as SOPECA. From this meeting at the ministry of defence, Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba never felt well again or went back to work, as his health deteriorated. According to this NISS source, Eugene Karekezi is an NISS operative attached to Rwanda’s ministry of defence.

As a corporal, my role is to share information received within the satanic system ruling the potato enclave. It’s up to readers to analyse and interpret the validity of the information.

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