The Rwandan Community for Refugees in South Africa call for the immediate release of Mr Paul Rusesabagina.

The Rwandan Community for Refugees in South Africa condemn the kidnapping of Mr Paul Rusesabagina, happened on the 31 August 2020 in Dubai done by the government of Rwanda.

Mr Paul Rusesabagina is the main actor of the movie called Hotel Rwanda, in which he saved many Tutsis during Genocide in 1994. Mr Paul Rusesabagina is also like many other Rwandans oppressed by the Rwandan government.

He started a Political movement PDR_ Ihumure to challenge the dictator regime of Paul Kagame, the President of Rwanda. Mr Paul Rusesabagina also joined MRCD, a coalition movement which also challenge the Rwandan government.

The Rwandan Community for Refugees strongly the unlawful arrest of Mr Paul Rusesabagina, he is Belgium Citizenship holder and he has a genuine Passport which allows him to travel to any county he likes.

The Rwandan Community also reminds the International committee many other kidnaps unlawful done by the government of Rwanda. On the 30 April 2019 Callixte Nsabimana ( Sankala) was kidnapped in ZAMBIA. Damien Nkaka ( La Forge Fils Bazeye) was kidnapped in Uganda 2019.

Joel Mutabazi kidnapped in Uganda 2018.

In the 25_ 26 November 2019 Rwandan refugees in Kalehe Camp in South Kivu and North Kivu (DR Congo) were forcefully repatriated by the Rwandan Army and many more were killed

The Rwandan Community again strongly condemn these acts of terrorism of the Rwandan government against its people inside the country and abroad.

We call upon those countries who have been protecting the government of Rwanda against any accountability of human rights violations. The people of Rwanda are deeply disappointed by the hypocrisy and double standards in dealing with the government of Rwanda and President Paul Kagame who publicly claims credit for abducting and assassinating Rwandans outside and inside the country.

We call upon the International committee, AU, EU, USA, …to assist and secure Rwandan refugees as President Kagame is a danger to his people.

We also call an immediate release of Mr Paul Rusesabagina and other political prisoners.

Daniel Nsengimana
Rwandan Community
Cell +27681459938
Email daniel.nsengimana33@gmail com

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