By Dr. Charles Kambanda
The US based Kagame lobbyists, including the US Ambassador to the UN – Samantha Power – are responsible for the crisis we see in Burundi. It’s these lobbyists that make the US State Department make ridiculous and scornful statements.
The US State Department does not blame Kagame’s so-called Burundian rebels, who in their own words claimed responsibility for the grenade attacks that have claimed life and property in Burundi. Before the rebels made this declaration, the US and its western allies were blaming it all to the government of Burundi
For the first time in recent history, Kagame’s so-called Burundian rebels admitted that they have been carrying out acts of terrorism in Burundi and no ” civilized” country has condemned the ” rebels” for these acts. Needless to say, the ICC has said nothing about criminal liability for these gruesome crimes whose perpetrators are well know.
Yesterday, the so called Burundi rebels attacked Burundi from Rwanda. Rwanda is a Police state. No armed group would live in Rwanda without Kagame’s help. Some of the arrested combatants – the attackers – have said they are Rwandans, they were trained in Rwanda and were sent to Burundi by Rwanda. Thanks to the huge amount of money Kagame pays to the Clinton, Tony Blair and other Western lobbyists who influence western countries’ foreign policy, Kagame is not mentioned anywhere as being responsible for the crisis in Burundi.
The East African Community – to which both Burundi and Rwanda belong – has not condemned the cross border attack to Burundi.
Shame upon the US State Department !!!! This partiality does not leave the US a moral world leader. Does it?
The US State Department crazy statement reads:
U.S. Condemns Violence in Burundi: The United States is deeply concerned by reports that fighting has broken out in several areas of Burundi and by recently broadcast remarks by Burundians threatening to use force against the Government of Burundi. We urge all parties in Burundi to commit themselves to constructive dialogue to resolv…