By: Rpf Gakwerere

1) Mining interests in Rwanda, DR Congo and Angola, operated by his brother in laws.

2) Shipping Company registered in Angola

3) Fertiliser factory in Nigeria

4) Air Corgo company registered in DR Congo

5) Properties in Rwanda, South Africa, Dubai, United Kingdom, Canada, Kenya and America

6) Forex Bureau in Rwanda, Uganda and DR Congo

7) Hotels and Lodges in Uganda, South Africa and Dubai

8) Shares in different manufacturing and real estate companies all over the world

9) Farms in Rwanda and Uganda

10) Shares in different banks in Africa.

11) Shares in a seaside luxury hotel in sharm el sheikh, Egypt and Marrakesh, Morocco.

He amassed this wealth through plundering DR Congo and Rwanda, through grabbing wealth from Rwandans after assassinating some of them, through arms smuggling deals, through working with Nigerian mafia syndicates…etc.

Since December 2018, criminal Paul Kagame is after this wealth, and the underground war is taking place between criminal Paul Kagame vs treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his J3 mafia gang. Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s business, political and military allies are being crashed one by one, through sideling, others under house arrest, others in criminal Paul Kagame’s courts for tax evasion..etc.

Keep on following the art of war between Criminal Paul Kagame vs treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe. Gullibles, undermine treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe at your own peril. Don’t be shocked when you wake up tomorrow, and treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe is the occupant of State House – Village Urugwiro.

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