Tshisekedi is unable to lead, contenting himself, with some of his relatives, to plunder the meager resources of the State.

By Patrick Mbeko

When aversion for Joseph Kabila extinguishes reason. First President of the Republic to have been “elected” by his predecessor, Félix Tshisekedi does not cease to surprise by his calamitous management of the State. After three years at the head of the Republic to democratize the Congo, the observation is clear: the man is unable to lead, contenting himself, with some of his relatives, to plunder the meager resources of the State. It is the revenge of the upstarts and delinquents of the Tshisekedie on the Congolese population who had voted for Martin Fayulu in December 2018.

Today, many Congolese regret having supported or even having given the benefit of the doubt and / or good faith to Felix Tshisekedi. Many curse the sky, and the population only dreams of doing battle in 2023. But with hindsight, one can also wonder if the Congolese are not responsible for what is happening to their country today because of the Tshisekedi clan .

Explanation. The day after Felix Tshisekedi’s election-nomination by Joseph Kabila, many Congolese said: “Topesa ye chance, aza mwana mboka” (“Let’s give him a chance, he’s a son of the country”). But the man had not only lost the presidential election, but his past actions spoke volumes about his personality. What did he not do to get a job from Joseph Kabila? We will remember the secret meetings between the UDPS and Kabila’s emissaries in Ibiza, Monaco and Paris. Who does not know that Felix did everything to become the prime minister of the same Kabila? What could one expect from a man who did not hesitate to bargain for the body of his late father in exchange for an appointment to the prime minister?

Due to their unhealthy aversion to Joseph Kabila, many Congolese tacitly supported the appointment of Félix Tshisekedi, without realizing that he could be more harmful than his predecessor. Even when CACH proved more than once (one can think of the embezzlement of public funds under the famous 100-day program) that he was not trustworthy, many still gave him the benefit of the doubt. on the pretext that the FCC was blocking the regime. Hundreds of millions of dollars embezzled by Tshisekedi and thousands of deaths later, we realize that evil has a name and it is called: Felix Tshisekedi / Sacred Union.

We should not be embarrassed to say it: in three years in power, Félix Tshisekedi and his Sacred Union have done much more damage than Joseph Kabila and his majority in 18 years. Saying so does not mean condoning the 18-year calamitous reign of Kingakati’s man; it is simply to recognize a reality that many still refuse to see, blinded as they are by their aversion to Joseph Kabila. The young people of LUCHA summed up the situation well by writing: “Joseph Kabila’s regime was bad, but Felix Tshisekedi’s is worse. “

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