Uganda: A conviction could undermine Bobi Wine’s campaign for the 2021 election

Bobi Wine

New charges against opponent Bobi Wine. The singer, and next year’s presidential candidate is accused of giving false information to the Election Commission. A lawyer filed an appeal against him in high court, and he claims that the opponent’s date of birth is different on some documents.

According to Me Mabirizi, Bobi Wine’s diplomas and academic documents indicate that his date of birth is on February 12, 1980 while his passport says it’s on February 12, 1982.

The opponent is now being prosecuted for giving false information to the Election Commission about his age. He refuted these accusations in a long message posted to his Facebook page. In this message, he claims to be the victim of a witch hunt.

According to Bobi Wine, his father was the one who changed his date of birth on his academic documents so that he would pass the end of primary school assessments earlier due to not having enough money to pay for all of his children’s tuition.

The singer and opponent says that his situation was regularized in 2000 when he applied for his first passport. Bobi Wine is now scheduled to appear in Wakiso Magistrates’ Court on September 16.

A conviction could undermine his campaign for the 2021 election, as Ugandan’s constitution prohibits anyone found guilty of dishonesty from running for presidency.


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