Ugandan Dictator Museveni Persona Non-Grata In Texas Over Anti-LGBT Stance

Gen. Museveni — at this rate may need a sleeping bag


Ugandan dictator Gen. Yoweri Museveni is apparently facing difficulty securing hotel accommodation and also a business and tourism promotion event he was to host in Texas has been cancelled, according to DallasVoice which reports that a second hotel also won’t give lodging to the Ugandan president and his wife.


DallasVoice, which reports on LGBT issues also claims the convention center where Gen. Museveni was to host the business event cancelled it when paper work wasn’t completed on time. Separately, it says The Four Seasons hotel won’t give Museveni accommodation.


The DallasVoice claims the Ugandan is persona non-grata over his anti-Gay stance. Even though a court had struck down  the Anti-Homosexuality law the Ugandan dictator signed in February at the time he affixed his signature he told CNN that Gays were “disgusting.”…


The business event was to be at the Irving Convention Center on Sunday, DallasVoice reports.


The law Museveni had signed called for life in prison for Gays. A version of the bill earlier considered by Parliament called for death by hanging.


The DallasVoice reports that The Four Seasons hotel “cancelled” Museveni’s booking.


The DallasVoice reports that the Gaylord hotel cited “logistics” problems in not accommodating Museveni’s party.


The Ugandan dictator planned to promote tourism in Uganda and business before he addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where his foreign minister, Sam Kutesa, denounced for corruption by a former U.S. ambassador to Uganda, has taken the helm as president of the UN General Assembly.


Several U.S. Senators have been contacted about Kutesa’s questionable and possibly corrupt billings of $30 million to the UN through his private business Entebbe Handling Services (ENHAS). The U.S. is the top annual contributor to the U.N.’s budget.


While in New York in the past, the homophobic dictator has been housed at The Waldorf Astoria.



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