UN capitulating to President Kagame’s “blackmail of the West”

Dr Theogene Rudasingwa: "Kagame doesn’t believe in peacekeeping per se, he will kindly oblige to any peacekeeping mission his country is asked to undertake provided the West keeps its mouth shut over his “horrendous human rights abuses”.

Dr Theogene Rudasingwa: “Kagame doesn’t believe in peacekeeping per se, he will kindly oblige to any
peacekeeping mission his country is asked to undertake provided the West keeps its mouth shut
over his “horrendous human rights abuses”.


The United Nations Organisation has been heavily criticized for capitulating to Rwandan leader Paul Kagame’s “blackmail of the West” by giving a deaf ear to numerous reports of the violation of human rights committed by Kagame and his ruling clique.


A document which was sent to our office in London from Washington DC and written by Dr Theogene Rudasingwa, a former Rwandan ambassador to the United States (1996-1999) and chief of staff to President Kagame (2000-2004) and now leader of the opposition Rwanda National Council, says while President Kagame “hates the United Nations” and doesn’t believe in peacekeeping per se, he will kindly oblige to any peacekeeping mission his country is asked to undertake provided the West keeps its mouth shut over his “horrendous human rights abuses”.


Now based in the United States, Dr Rudasingwa said the West is ready to abide with President Kagame’s wishes for the simple reason that it fears to deploy Western troops into danger zones around Africa. He said there are five reasons why the West, especially the United States of America and the United Kingdom will ask Rwanda to participate in UN peacekeeping missions despite their knowledge of the violations that Kagame has committed. FULL STORY

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