Updates on the murder of Maya Kamukazi Florence/Marine Tumukunde

Updates from Inspector Rutabiringoga: The mum of Maya Kamukazi Florence/Marine Tumukunde was a munyarwanda but the dad was a Ugandan of Ankore, both her parents were born from Uganda and she was born and grew up here in uganda.

She has never lived in Rwanda, therefore, the media volongoto reports that she was a Rwandan VIP, Rwandan Woman, that’s all not true and treat as that. Yes she was married to Mark, the proprietor of Gabiro bar in Bugolobi and Desert Launge in Mbarara that are DMI havens.

Only three bullets were fired and no indication that the bullets came outside the vehicle. Maya was seated behind the co-driver and had a bullet on the head and nothing to show it came from outside the car. The vehicle was well parked and nothing to show it skidded from the road.

According to the Police, at the time of death, they were only two in the car and mbu, Joshua was the one driving. That statement has some holes,

1. If they were only two and Joshua driving, May should have been in the Co-driver’s seat not behind.

2. Joshua wouldn’t have been short from the side of the co-driver.
Preliminary conclusion:
1. There was a third person in the car, more investigations needed
2. This could have a case of a gun-point kidnap and either way this could have been the third person in the car
3. The shooter could have been in the car and at close range but not from outside the car
4. The hand of a foreign agent should be deeply investigated.
5. According to Police, a police officer one called Taremwa was left at Mellenium hotel as he went to look for the businessmen Joshua was supposed to meet. And according to him Joshua run away with his gun AK-47, why? Could it be that they were put at a gun-point and kidnapped and long the way the kidnappers decided to murder their victims? Or Taremwa is simply lying?
6. The killer gun was of Taremwa and bullets came from his gun
7. Taremwa is a prime murder suspect till proven otherwise

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