We all know that husband and wife live in different addresses; Village Urugwiro and Muhazi respectively.

We all know what is happening in king’s palace. After the extramarital scandals that involved a child, we know how the royal family disintegrated in internal fights until president Museveni intervened to calm the situation. Now, it’s merely a marriage of convenience. We all know that husband and wife live in different addresses; Village Urugwiro and Muhazi respectively. Yesterday, after being anointed by the RPF as the proprietor of Rwanda. The king’s public Relations team has started releasing photos to show the family and softer side of the criminal ruler.

A family person is that one who considers that others have the right to having a family. Children having the rights to see their parents, wives having the rights to see their husbands or children. The right to live and exist.

You can’t oppress, kidnap, incarcerate, torture and assassinate; then your P.R machine comes out with P.R photos depicting you as a family loving man. Family love and human carnage don’t correlate. Today, while humanity is celebrating father’s day, millions of Rwandans are orphans courtesy of criminal Paul Kagame’s brutality.

To Paul Kagame , being cruel is a personal norm, he has used terror as a weapon to rule. His unrelenting thirst for power and recognition will continue seeing more father’s being sent to there graves by this ruthless vampire.

Below is one of the photos, that his P.R machine is portraying to show the Rwandan criminal ruler as a family man. Ignoring the fact that this man has denied the existence and happiness of millions of families.

Rpf Gakwerere

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