We cannot lecture Madame Mabunda and Prime Minister Ilukamba, and at the same time ask the Congolese to support Felix Tshisekedi

We cannot lecture Madame Mabunda and Prime Minister Ilukamba, and at the same time ask the Congolese to support Felix Tshisekedi

By Patrick Mbeko

This lady, Marie-Josée Ifoku, complains and says she is shocked to see the President of the National Assembly Jeannine Mabunda and the Prime Minister Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba welcome Joseph Kabila as a King at the start of the parliamentary term.

She says, not without reason, that this is an insult to the Congolese people. His intervention was widely shared and supported. The only thing is: we cannot lecture Madame Mabunda and Prime Minister Ilukamba, and at the same time ask the Congolese to support a man who came to power through an electoral putsch and constitutional rape.

This is exactly what this lady does in her intervention, by asking the Congolese to support Félix Tshisekedi who came to power thanks to the very one that the President of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister welcomed with all honors, I quote Joseph Kabila. Is it really serious?

The electoral and constitutional putsch of 2019, which Mrs. Marie-Josée Ifoku seems to support, is it not an insult to the Congolese people? Madam, you ask the FCC to respect you; so also learn to respect these millions of Congolese from whom Felix Tshisekedi and Kabila stole the election.

“Félix a buki likolo moko” and patati patata! Are these the kind of politicians who claim to want to “save” this Republic to be democratized from the Congo of Kabilie? What lesson can Marie-Josée Ifoku give to the caciques of the FCC, she who supports falsehoods, lies and the rape of the popular will?

What lesson can she give, she who cunning with principles like the caciques of the ruling FCC-CACH coalition? What difference is there between those who spat on the popular will in 2019 and her who supports Félix Tshisekedi?

Does she not realize that the power of her champion is further mortgaging the future of millions of Congolese? Doesn’t she see what is happening all over the country !?
In short. We must save this country from its own daughters and sons. We must save the Congo of Lumumba from Marie-Josée Ifoku (and Paul Nsapu) of this world. It’s an opinion, mine …

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