Welcome to our world brother! Kagame has sold Rwanda to the highest bidder and he won’t hesitate to do the same for Africa!

Soros and kagame, is that what this poor “nigger” was actually worth?

The Answer: nothing. “libungutulu”, in lingala. Here, on the image in canossa, Paul Kagame, because it is from him, is in his real day, in his natural state: Small. The man is naked. Here he is on his knees and in front of his true masters. That’s what his chantres won’t be able to deny. The facts are right here. And they’re more stubborn.

Pushed to the end in his last trench, by the shock wave of the awakening of congolese youth, the mercenary, who carries out the dirty work in Congo for his masters, reveals himself, as some of us have always known . With a slightly dubitative mine that accuses him, while soros, and yes the same soros, his host who receives him and greets him, smiles and shows himself. Isn’t that the image you’re talking about? And sometimes she speaks better than words that accompany her. I wonder that we will learn from this image, from his message to Africa as a whole. We’re here in front of what cabral called cancer of betrayal. He also hits Paul Kagame. This poor negro and African, to whom frantz fanon said: “the great success of the enemies of Africa is to corrupt Africans themselves”. here is a model of African man corruption against Africa. Although nothing new under the sun, but Paul Kagame did not learn the lesson of Frantz Fanon when he said: ” our evil to us, Africans, is to have forgotten that the enemy never recule. He never understands. He surrenders, but does not convert. Our mistake is to believe that the enemy had lost its spirit and its harmfulness. If lumumba bothers, lumumba disappears. The hesitation in murder never characterized imperialism “. the lesson is drawn from the text of Frantz Fanon: La’s death: could we do otherwise?

Kagame is not lumumba. But the fate of mobutu who had betrayed lumumba was not different from celui’s. Mobutu, including Daniel Simpson, former U.S. Ambassador to Kinshasa in 1997, said to him that “Mobutu was a scoundrel, but he was above all our scoundrel”. a scoundrel like the Yankees love them. Kagame is another. He’s above all an American punk.

From everything we see in the great lakes, we do not know whether it is good or bad news for some of us. Since it is the same soros, the one who finances part of congolese youth, which many say very “active”, who is the boss of Paul Kagame. Who says soros also says the Clinton. It is the same soros that finances a part of civil society in the Congo, including some associations of rights and some congolese journalists in the square. It is still the same soros that finances some congolese political parties, he has always been the master of Paul Kagame. Finally, who doesn’t care who? Who’s having fun with who? If only the ridicule could kill in the Congo, the followers of selfies would all be dead. Both sad and revolting that all this beautiful world is housed in the same sign, since all of them are obedient to the same masters.

Now that everyone is openly displayed with whom it serves the best, can we ask ourselves, without being surprised what is going to happen in Congo-Kinshasa and in the region? When we talk, just to draw attention and make some thought, because words can impact on consciences, we get insults from all sides. Are we only killing our youth to wait for the outside to decide our fate?

BASTA! Likambo oyo eza likambo ya mabele

Mufoncol Tshiyoyo, Congolais na molimo pe na makanisi

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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