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What has happened in Rwanda in the last few days

By: Rpf Gakwerere

1) Criminal Paul Kagame appeared in a recorded and doctored interview, as usual, he talked nothing, no single policy, no political, social and economic road map for the impoverished enclave – Rwanda, except threatening those in opposition. His enclave is engulfed in stinking poverty, hunger and all forms of economic failures and challenges, but a frail looking dictator preferred to come from his hiding to preach threats and intimidation.

2) A Rwanda Patriotic Front general meeting that was supposed to have to take place on 11th – 12th September 2020 was postponed to unknown date after Criminal Paul Kagame’s office instructing the Secretary General of the ruling party Francois Ngarambe alias Masigara to cancel the event because the frail ruler wouldn’t be available. Dear oppressed and enslaved Rwandans, where is your ruler?

3) On the evening of the 13th September 2020, there was a three hour security meeting at state house Village Urugwiro that Gen Jean Bosco Kazura, notorious assassin Dan Munyuza, Brig Gen Willy Rwagasana, Brig Gen Ruki Karusisi, Col Patrick Karuretwa, Col Anaclet Kalibata and Brig Gen Nyakarundi attended. Obviously, co vice-President Ange Kagame was present. She is now briefed in all security and attends all security meetings held at state house Village Urugwiro.

4) The satanic system has also written to accidental President Felix Tshisekedi that the president isn’t available for the 20th September 2020 regional security meeting in Goma, or any other regional meeting that is being planned by accidental president Felix Tshisekedi, until early 2021. Rwanda’s ministry of foreign affairs advised for the meeting to be held virtually – zoom. The Goma regional security meeting that is being planned by accidental president Felix Tshisekedi was previously posted two times, 1st September 2020 and 9th September 2020, it seems the 20th September 2020 meeting will also be postponed.

5) Everything has remained constant, i.e the kidnappings, disappearances, torture, incarceration and killings of innocent citizens at the hands of criminal Paul Kagame’s brutal regime.

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