By: Rpf Gakwerere

In 1992, senior Rwand Patriotic Front (RPF) cadres held a meeting at Mulindi high command headquarter to study on military ranks of personnel within RPF’s military wing – Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA). The mindset behind this meeting was to discuss and study how best to award military ranks in order to match military ranks on the government side, the regime of dictator Juvénal Habyarimana.

One of the highly discussed issue was ranks that were appropriate for Commander Steven Ndugute and Commander Vedaste Kayitare. Participants decided that the highest rank should be that of a Major General (Two star General). Senior Cadres Pasteur Bizimungu and Alexis Kanyarengwe noted, alongside Criminal Paul Kagame, Steven Ndugute and Vedaste Kayitare, all needs to be awarded the rank of Major General. All senior RPF cadres knew the contributions and roles of Steven Ndugute and Vedaste Kayitare in the liberation struggle.

All senior cadres knew that these are the men who were on frontline 24/7, while criminal Paul Kagame was in Kampala making love to his wife, only appearing at the headquarter for: 1) Photo apportunities, when foreign journalists happen to visit Rwanda Patriotric Front/Army military headquarter. 2) When coming to plan
assassinations of fellow comrades within RPF/A. 3) When coming to approve the execution of new recruits or those caught trying to desert the struggle 3) Any other killings.

Cadre Pasteur Bizimungu and cadre Alexis Kanyarengwe emphasised on why Steven Ndugute and Vedaste Kayitare should be awarded the rank of a Major General, the same rank they would be awarding criminal Paul Kagame. Steve Ndugute and Vedaste Kayitare were the brains behind military operations, they were highly regarded for re-organising the RPA military structure, praised for their military command and operation efficiency.

The idea of awarding Steven Ndugute and Vedaste Kayitare the same rank as criminal Paul Kagame, made criminal Paul Kagame who was also present in this meeting feel insulted. Kagame took the idea of awarding him the same military rank as commander Steven Ndugute and Commander Vedaste Kayitare as a direct challenge to his authority; another reason that created fear nerves in Paul kagame’s body was these two men were from abanyiginya clan, a grouping that Paul Kagame hates to the core.

Criminal Paul Kagame who was then the RPF/A coordinator vigorously opposed the idea of awarding Steven Ndugute and Vedaste Kayitare the rank of a major general, stating that if the two are given the 2 star military General rank, then all members of the high command should be awarded the same rank. Senior Cadres Pasteur Bizimungu and Alexis Kanyarengwe then proposed that these two men be awarded the rank of Brigadier General, one star General. Again criminal Paul Kagame vigorously opposed this idea, giving the same excuse, that these two should have the same military rank as other members of the high command, except Kagame who was awarded Major General.

Commander Steven Ndugute and Commander Vedaste Kayitare ended up being awarded the same rank as other members of the high command, Colonel rank.

Not only did criminal Paul Kagame oppose the awarding of true military ranks to these disciplined, efficient and people loving military officers, he went after their lives.

Commander Vedaste Kayitare was eliminated through poison after sharing a meal with criminal Paul Kagame. And Col Steven Ndugute was assassinated by doctor poison Richard Rutatina under the instruction of Paul Kagame.

About Chris Kamo

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