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When dragged out office, Criminal Paul Kagame will be charged for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide

By Rpf Gakwerere

When dragged out office, Criminal Paul Kagame will be charged for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Crimes committed against Banyamulenge ethnic group will be included in chargesheet. Banyamulenge are being ethically cleansed by Red Tabara, Mai Mai Yakutumba and other Mai Mai groups, all supported by criminal Paul Kagame. Red Tabara was formed and trained in Rwanda, and then unleashed in South Kivu to commit all sorts of human rights atrocities, and Banyamulenge have been their targets since the end of 2015 to present.

Photos below, illustrates a clear sample on ethnic cleansing against Banyamulenge, and these human rights crimes are perpetrated by brutal armed groups that are logistically and financially supported by criminal Paul Kagame.

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