When Kagame attends a public gathering, his security staff are more in numbers than the gathering public

Bwoba Kagame

Through his delusional mind, the king always sing to any one who wants to hear of his crap about his overwhelming popularity, statistically boasting of 99% love within the population.

This fake king who constantly brags of being popular with demi God powers, in reality when he appears in front of these same people whom he says love him; he is always under the protection of different layers of his security details – apparatus:
1) Advance team of presidential guard and Special forces units.
2) DMI special unit members
3) Escorts and Close bodyguard/protection team.
4) NISS/Internal Security Organisation operatives mostly civilians. (These mingle with the public at any given function)

When the fake King attends a public gathering, his security staff are more in numbers than the gathering public. This man is just a fraud who imposed his rule on the
oppressed citizens………AT THE END, TRUTH WILL PREVAIL.

Source: RPF Gakwerere Facebook Page

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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