Women, women, women of Rwanda in leadership of Paul Kagame!  Where are the women who are serving in leadership of Kagame Paul in Rwanda in times of difficulties of their fellow women? We have been hearing a lot of fame about Rwanda for many women in Rwanda Kagame’s leadership. We have heard too a lot of voices of women who have been suffering in Rwanda under Paul Kagame. Women of Kagame, would I be wrong if I can say that women of Rwanda in general have suffered more than ever under your leadership and Kagame Paul? We have counted a big number of persecuted mothers, young ladies, and young girls than ever under Paul Kagame. We have seen and we are aware of so many widows and orphans made by Kagame in Rwanda and who are still being made. Women, women, women of Rwanda in Kagame’s leadership, where are you when all those helpless women of Rwanda are being brutally persecuted, tortured and assassinated by Kagame Paul and his regime?

Women of Kagame in parliament of Kagame, have you never heard of so many women who have been killed by crodiles in Nyabarongo River and who have no cared for by the same regime which you are serving? Women of Kagame Paul have you never heard how “Abazunguzayi” women are being persecuted, abused, kidnapped killed and grabbed of their goods and properties in Kigali?  Women of Kagame Paul in Rwanda, Have you never heard how many women have been killed and eaten by crocodiles in Nyabarongo for fetching and chasing  after water in that river, because your government does not want to give them the basic social facilities! Women of Kagame Paul in parliament, have you never heard about so many women in Rwanda who are under hiding because Kagame regime is persecuting them because they want to kill them? Have you ever heard women who have been beaten and killed by the relatives of Kagame Paul in Ruhango? Women of Paul Kagame in leadership of Rwanda, where is your big number in all what these women of Rwanda are going through? Where is your voice when you see now the widow Adeline Rwigara, her daughter Diane Rwigara and her family are going through? Where is your hand towards the so many number of women who are in problems!

Women of Kagame, What is your role when we hear your being number in Kagame Paul leadership?  Where is your presence in real life of an ordinary Rwandan citizen? Women of Kagame in parliament, is your role surely only for clapping for Kagame and for entertaining him as your master? Women of Kagame in parliament, are you only the flowers of Kagame and who are serving for his appraisal only? Women of Paul Kagame in parliament are there to be used only to help Kagame Paul maintain power to continue persecuting and killing Rwanda especially the poor, the weak and voiceless? Are women of Kagame Paul in leadership only for the fundraising Paul Kagame and his small group of RPF?  Are the women of Kagame Paul real leaders or puppets only? Women of Kagame Paul in leadership, where is your voice when these women of Rwanda are persecuted, imprisoned for their own opinion. Women of Rwanda think of Victoire Ingabire who is languishing in prison, because she wanted to liberate Rwanda from dictatorship which has made you slaves of one man Kagame Paul in Rwanda!

Women of Rwanda and for Kagame Paul in parliament, have you become the first ladies like in kingdom of King Muswati of Swaziland? Women of Rwanda in parliament do you belong to Paul Kagame like the king of Rwanda? We know that in time of kings in Rwanda some many sears ago too belonged to a king? Is this situation in which you are different from those times of Rwanda? Women of Rwanda in parliament of Rwanda has King Kagame Paul grabbed you from your husbands just like other kings used to do it in Rwanda in old times? Women of Rwanda, is your silent attitude towards the suffering of other women not a sign that you all belong to Paul Kagame? I used to hear that everything including women belonged to kings when Rwanda was still under the kings many years ago! Is it not what we are seeing in Rwanda today? Women of Kagame in leadership of Rwanda, When will you prove that the big number of Rwanda women in parliament and government are not there just for the business of Kagame Paul and his handful group, “AGATSIKO” on power?

Women of Kagame Paul in parliament, have you lost the values of Rwandan culture and human values of showing sympathy, compassion and love to all who are suffering? Women of Kagame Paul in parliament when will you show that togetherness and unity in time of difficulties if you can’t see how Kagame Paul and his regime which you are serving is persecuting the widows orphans and the poor in Rwanda? Women of Kagame Paul, have you never heard the cries of Widow Adeline Rwigara, her daughter Diane Rwigara and family in in the hands of a vampire Kagame Paul and his criminal government?  Women of Kagame Paul in leadership, I appeal to you, please show that the money you which you are getting for working for Kagame Paul, has not blinded you and has not made you ant-human life women, especially the lives of women like you, their widows and orphans made by Kagame Paul who are undergoing torture, kidnapping and assassination.

Women of Rwanda under leadership of Kagame Paul, you are part and parcel of the tragedies that Rwanda is going through. Women of Kagame Paul in leadership, you will be held responsible too for the suffering that Rwandan people are in today, you want it or not! Women of Kagame Paul in leadership, you are asked from today to start proving to be “Abategarugorugori” BUKURI, worthy of being in leadership of the country which is perpetually and unworthily suffering! Women of Kagame Paul in Rwanda, kindly prove to the world that you are a live! Womn of Kagame Paul in leadership, Make me not to continue believing that King Paul “Kagame” is “King” Muswati of Rwanda towards “beautiful women” in their countries!


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