Madam Nyiramongi, President Kagame’s wife, has vanished from public view. Her last Tweet was on August 11, 2016. That is nearly a month time when a prominent figure that was always on the front page “disappeared.”
Where could she be? Why has she “disappeared”?
Here are the various speculations people are sending me:
She was involved in high level corruption, together with Agnes Binagwaho who was also fired. Nyiramongi is under house arrest. Binangwaho has to report to police daily so she does not escape since she has dual nationality – she is also Belgian.
David Himbara’s book KAGAME’S ECONOMIC MIRAGE gave a detailed account of Egide Gatera’s business empire in tea and petroleum industry, indicating that Gatera is a mere front to powerful interests. President Kagame has made his wife a scapegoat for this mess. Egide Gatera is also under investigation and must report to police daily.
President Kagame went crazy where social media writers claimed that his wife Nyiramongi had an affair with Ambassador Eugene Gasana, and that one of the Kagame sons is actually Gasana’s. President Kagame fired Gasana and placed his wife under house arrest.
When the Nyiramongi/Gasana story broke, President Kagame beat his wife badly; she is recovering from her injuries.
All the above are lies. Madam Nyiramongi is in the United States where her last born is about to begin his university studies.
What do you folks think. In a totalitarian state where there is no information on issues of public interest, speculation becomes king!