Winnie Byanyima, Andrew Mwenda Lock Horns

A verbal war erupted on Social media between retired Journalist Andrew Mwenda and Kizza Besigye’s wife Winnie Byanyima.

Winnie Byanyima

The verbal war started on Friday evening when Winnie Tweeted that Uganda Police had denied her entry into her home in Kasangati.

“Can’t believe this, I am being denied entry into my home! Unbelievable!,” Winnie tweeted

 “Here is Pres  Museveni’s police denying me entry into my own home! Where is this country headed?”

Mwenda joined the conversation by sending a stinging tweet to Winnie Byanyima and Kizza Besigye.

Andrew Mwenda

“@Winnie_Byanyima & her hubby @kizzabesigye1 with M7 claimed such police behavior was personal to Obote. Now the 2 claim its personal to M7,” Mwenda tweeted and the war started.

Below is the blow by blow encounter.

Mwenda: “@Winnie_Byanyima & her hubby @kizzabesigye1 with M7 claimed such police behavior was personal to Obote. Now the 2 claim its personal to M7”

Winnie:  U r dishonest! This abuse of law enforcement is typical of all dictatorships, incl M7’s & Obote’s. No innovation here

Mwenda:  @Winnie_Byanyima was happily in Govt with M7 when scores of opposition politicians lived in Luzira and could not hold rallies @TuliKuki

Winnie: My record on human rights is in CA & parl Hansard 4 all 2 see. When was I “happily in govt”?

Mwenda: What is dishonest there? Is this “abuse of law enforcement” new? Wasn’t it happening when u were a supporter of M7?

Winnie: Get me right Mwenda I’ve used every platform I’ve had 2 advance human rights. Never changed my stand. And you?

Mwenda: What is dishonest there? Is this “abuse of law enforcement” new? Wasn’t it happening when u were a supporter of M7?

Winnie: I spoke against human rights violations by UPDF in DRCongo & was jailed, fought & defeated sedition charge. Proud!

Mwenda:  @Winnie_Byanyima You used to be in DP, changed to NRM and now to FDC. So u have been changing. I’ve never belonged to any political party

Winnie: I am a member of many women’s groups as well. It’s what I stand for that doesn’t change, human rights. And you?

Mwenda:  @LindaNEK I do not support police blocking @Winnie_Byanyima from her home. I just wanted her to admit she contributed to this situation

Winnie: I didn’t, I fought & still do. U were with us in challenging a growing dictatorship till u joined the dictatorship

Mwenda:  @Winnie_Byanyima u were a strong supporter of NRM when it was killing people in Mukura, Acholi etc., and blocking political party activities

Winnie: I wasn’t a ‘strong supporter’ I was critical. On record challenging NRA cattle theft in Teso. check Hansard!

Mwenda:  @Winnie_Byanyima You were in NRM when it was involved in huge corruption scandals like bank paribus, ghost soldiers, burning of Lubiri etc

Winnie:  I led fierce anti-corruption battles against NRM thru 90s till I left. Mwenda u can’t change history.

Mwenda: @Winnie_Byanyima You were in NRM during the 1996 elections when it beat up Semogere supporters and killed some of them

Winnie:  1996,NRM  led by RDC Sikubwabo Kyeyune fought me beat my supporters etc I won all my 3 elections vs NRM

Mwenda: @Winnie_Byanyima You were in NRM during the 1996 elections when it beat up Semogere supporters and killed some of them

Winnie: My volunteers in 3 elections beaten & maimed by NRM. Mwenda don’t shift focus you defend  repression, dictatorship

Mwenda: @Winnie_Byanyima So why did u remain for a decade and more supporting a govt that violated your core principles?

Winnie: I didn’t I criticised it always and everywhere I was

Mwenda:  @Winnie_Byanyima So for u, one either agrees with you or they have lost it?

Winnie: You’ve lost it because you can’t explain why you defend such gross abuse of human rights! You’ve lost your soul

Mwenda: @Winnie_Byanyima At least have courage to admit that no govt can be perfect and association with it does not mean agreement with all it does

Winnie: We would like to hear you when you disagree. A lot is wrong here.

Mwenda:  Can u quote one “gross abuse” of human rights that I have defended?

Winnie: I leave it to the tweeterers to list for you ….

Mwenda: @Winnie_Byanyima You used to make many public and private (to me) arguments defending NRM while acknowledging its imperfections

Winnie: That’s true. I criticised NRM publicly, was fired 4 speaking up on human rights violations. You defend dictatorship

Mwenda: @Winnie_Byanyima Please save me and yourself from this holier than thou attitude. You are just an ordinary person which many imperfections

Winnie: Yes I’m not perfect, but I have a public record I defend.

Mwenda: @Winnie_Byanyima Please save me and yourself from this holier than thou attitude. You are just an ordinary person which many imperfections

Winnie: You can’t challenge my public record & then not expect a defense. You get what you ask 4

Mwenda: @Winnie_Byanyima That is the stuff from demagogues and upcoming tyrants. You didn’t even use “we” for once. All as i i i

Winnie: You challenged my public record, I defended it. It was my accountability, I wasn’t accounting 4 others. & u Mwenda?


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