With due respect Gen Muhozi Kainerugaba, I don’t think that forgiving Kale Kayihura is equivalent to justice.

By Prossy Boona

With due respect Gen Muhozi Kainerugaba, I don’t think that forgiveness is equivalent to justice. So before you ask for your father to forgive Gen Kale Kayihura, please be informed that KK didn’t not only disappoint the president as his CIC by sleeping on the job,but that he also led to murder, disappearance and kidnap of thousands of our people, refugees and nationals. Therefore through commission or omission, Gen Kayihura is reliable for all the human rights violation that were committed on these people by the fact that he was the head of uganda police which conspired and facilitated these abuses against refugees and others by t Rwanda’s security agents.

I therefore don’t think that your father forgiving KK is the same as giving justice to the families and victims of these atrocities that have for years been waiting , rather it will look like impunity, where the Generals will wrong the people and seek forgiveness from their commander in chief. Please let’s not mix issues of justice with the army and one being a good NRM cadre, be informed that most of us are and yet we were wronged regardless.

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