Burundi: Let be real people!

Millions of people in this world die on a regular basis due to lack of foods. In Somalis, South Sudan, Rwandan refugees in the Congo bushes, just to name few have been begging for foods but barely get minimal or nothing. Suddenly the almighty PAM is “extremely” concerns about the poor Burundi and ” malnutrition in Burundi”. Only time will tell why, PAM decided to rescue “poor” Burundi bought foods “MIXED BEANS” from Rwanda to stop the calamity in Burundi (mind you Rwandans are suffering from #NZARAMBA famine). Very theatrical!

My concerns are:
If PAM really “cares” about “poor Burundi” why PAM didn’t by the same foods from local Burundian farmers given that Rwandans are doing “perfectly fine” economically?

Why PAM decided to buy the foods from Burundi’s neighbor, that neighbor everybody in the neighborhood can’t stand. The same neighbor starving his own children but wants to feed others’ children?

Why PAM decided to bring in Burundi “MIXED BEANS” made by the horrible neighbor, the one harboring those who have been butchering and pledged to terrorized, mercilessly kill sons and daughters of Burundi?

Why did PAM and the seller expected Burundians to warmly accept such a free lunch?

Why, why, and why…..?

My guess is, either the neighbor is so damn stupid beyond repair or he’s cash trapped and willing to sell his own children in order to afford his jet-set lifestyle!



About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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