Commander of Uganda’s Special Forces goes missing

UGANDA special forces


The commander of 's Special Forces' accompanied by 16 of his close aides have deserted their post.The Army has confirmed the desertion, stressing that the commander is being hunted by the country's military police.Uganda's Security Minister however described the incident as an isolated case of indiscipline.

According to the Uganda Army, the renegade commander's track record is tainted by a litany of indiscipline cases.But Uganda's Shadow defense and security Minister Hassan Kaps Funngaroo claims that the desertion is as a result of a number of issues within the Army including law pay, poor system of promotion and undocumented death of soldiers serving on the front lines.


Freedom and Unity Front is said to be demanding a change in government and a balanced distribution of resources to all regions of the country. According to the Uganda People's Defense Force Act, a soldier is declared absent when they spend fourteen consecutive days from work stations. After ninety days, one is considered a deserter liable to fourteen years in Jail. FULL STORY

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