Minister James Kabarebe has warned Rwandans against going to scavenge in Uganda.

By: RPF Gakwerere

Rwanda’s minister of defence, Gen James Kabarebe said that Rwanda is located between countries which have seated jealous against Rwanda because they are witnessing the country’s peace, tranquillity and a population which is focused on development. It’s because of Rwanda’s success that those Rwandans who go to scavenge (guhunahuna) in Uganda are usually arrested, tortured and imprisoned merely because of jealous of Uganda towards Rwanda.

Minister James Kabarebe talked this on Wednesday 20/06/2018 while addressing RPF’s youth wing – Intore who were undergoing political awareness training in Nyagatare that started on 17th/06/18 and ended on 23/06/18. Minister James Kabarebe told these youths that neighbours Burundi, DR Congo and Uganda don’t wish anything good for Rwanda, instead these countries are always jealous of Rwanda because of its progress and how its population are living in peace and continuously developing.

Gen James Kabarebe gave an example of how Rwandans are always being beaten, imprisoned and others killed in Uganda. He noted that all these are happening because Uganda is jealous of Rwanda. He advised the youths and Rwandans in general to develop their own Country than always running to Uganda yet there is nothing good they are getting from there, that they can’t find in Rwanda.

Gen James Kabarebe noted that, “Look at Uganda the way it is. Everyday your always travelling there to be arrested, beaten, imprisoned and ridiculed. This happens every day but you never listen. They are always beating you on daily basis, ridiculing you that, you refugees what do you want from us? Now, our embassy in Kampala does nothing else except looking and helping those Rwandans who have been arrested, beaten and imprisoned.”

He further noted that “You’re scavenging in Uganda. Why do you scavenge in Uganda? Why don’t you build your own country? Why go to be in a foreign land? We left Uganda, we lived in Uganda as refugees, we gave our blood and lives for that country. But now, we gave our blood to liberate our own country, let them also come here because there is no need of you going to Uganda for scavenging. In all indicators we are doing better than them. “

Gen James Kabarebe continued to tell these RPF youths that Rwandans are continuously being killed in Uganda, young men are being tortured and everything that goes wrong in Uganda, its being referred as being caused by Rwandans or Rwanda as a country. Whatever goes wrong in Uganda, Rwanda is being blamed.

James Kabarebe noted that “Whatever knocks/happens in Uganda, Rwanda is always blamed. When someone dies at the hands of a Ugandan or the state when fighting their own issues, they will always blame Rwanda or a Rwandan. In all incidences, their fingers are always pointing towards Rwanda. These blame games means something else. Uganda isn’t happy of our peace, developmental progress and Rwanda’s leadership that has reached at another level in trying to develop the country and Rwandans. They are just jealous and envy, nothing else. Why do we need to go there? Why not build our country and let the rest including Ugandans come to live in Rwanda. We shall welcome them.”

Gen James Kabarebe told these RPF youth that peace and tranquility won’t be enough to create development in the country, what will bring the country’s development will be a hard working citizen that uses their hands to develop the country. The country has developed and will continue to develop through patriotism and sacrifices, said James Kabarebe. For you the youth, you’re the pole of this country.

Gen James Kabarebe noted that all developed countries didn’t use magic or any secret to be where they are, but what they always have its excellent political leadership and a well thinking population. For any development to be successful; there must be a truthful and an excellent leadership team. Rwanda is blessed to have his Excellency Paul Kagame as our leader and that its why, we have achieved all these great developmental goals in a short period. The RPF leadership will always interlink with the population as a means to continuously develop the Country.

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