1. For all MONUSCO's shortcomings in DRC, would be the last person to believe that N. or S.Kivu will be better without UN peacekeepers.

2. I am not sure the real beneficiary of kicking out UN peacekeepers in Kivu is NOT and/or his partners-in-crime.

3. I wouldn't be surprised if Kagame and his partners-in-crime are behind the current anti-UN peacekeepers in Kivu. I think Kagame needs these guys out to create mehelm without international “cameras” and UN superior force in the Kivu.

4. The violence in Kivu NOW is not about UN peacekeepers; it's about Tshisekedi and Kagame insane alliance.
(i) The UN peacekeepers do not know who is actually butchering the people of DRC in Beni! I have heard some people saying it's ADF rebels, killing civilians in Beni!!! Who believes this garbage?
(ii) Kagame's special forces are the real ADF now.
(iii) Kagame needs North Kivu for a permanent military base to destabilize Uganda and Burundi or even overthrow of Uganda and of Burundi.
(iv) Kagame's special forces are in DRC army uniform, butchering civilians. Tshisekedi knows or should have known the real cause of violence in DRC.
(v) No sober person would have invited Kagame to “fight” insecurity in DRC. Tshisekedi must be on the best grade of weed!

5. In my considered view, attacking UN Peacekeepers, for failure to prevent violence in Beni, is misguided. The real failure is Tshisekedi, who invited Kagame to do what he's always done in DRC; butchering the people of DRC.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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