Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Disputed History, Ongoing Tragedy / Green Sunday (8/11) – The Green Party of Alameda County

Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Disputed History, Ongoing Tragedy / Green Sunday (8/11)
Green Sunday (8/11): Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Disputed History, Ongoing Tragedy

The 90-day bloodbath known as the Rwandan Genocide was actually the final phase of a four-year war that most Westerners know little or nothing about. However, that war and many smaller wars for the resource riches of Rwanda’s neighbor, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, continue today. The US and its Western allies have played an unconscionable role in all this that should be understood.

The great French investigative journalist Pierre Paen, who passed away on July 25, published a landmark study of the conflict titled Noires fureurs, blancs menteurs. Rwanda, 1990-1994 (Black Furies, White Liars. Rwanda, 1990-1994). Two landmark studies published in English are Robin Philpot’s Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa, from Tragedy to Useful Imperial Fiction, and Judi Rever’s In Praise of Blood: Crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front.

August 11, 5:00 to 6:30 PM

Niebyl-Proctor Library, 6501 Telegraph Ave., near Alcatraz, Oakland

ann.jpg?w=727&h=398Ann Garrison is an independent Bay Area journalist who contributes to the San Francisco Bay View, Counterpunch, Consortium News, the Black Agenda Report, the Black Star News, Global Research, and Pambazuka News. She also produces radio for the KPFA-Berkeley Weekend News and WBAI-New York City’s AfrobeatRadio. In 2014, she was awarded the Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Democracy and Peace Prize by the Womens International Network for Democracy and Peace for her reporting on conflict in the African Great Lakes Region.

Green Sundays are a series of free public programs & discussions on topics “du jour” sponsored by the Green Party of Alameda County and held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Snacks are potluck. Vegetarian and vegan snacks are always welcome, but we appreciate whatever you can bring! The monthly business meeting of the County Council of the Green Party follows, at 6:45 pm. Council meetings are open to anyone who is interested.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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