Shame on Kagame’s police for illegally arresting Idamange and keeping her in handcuffs even during her menstruation.

Women especially those of who have been fed Lies that Rwanda has promoted women, gather here.Which country that dehumanizes a woman to an extend of handcuffing her while attending her monthly period and never be let loose to wear her sanitary essentials and bath?

Ms Idamange Iryamugwiza Yvonne, appeared in court today, and when she was given an opportunity to speak, she said that she has been on handcuffs since she was arrested on the 15th February, even when her monthly period came, she pleaded with those who handcuffed her to let her wear her sanitary pads , they refused.
Shame shame.

What crime did she commit for her to be treated in a such manner? Women, have your say. This happened in Rwanda, the so called country that promotes women.Apparently, amongst those who have promoted none of them can raise her voice to condemn this an human treatment their fellow woman has received.

Anyway , a lot is yet to be reviewed during her show trial period, no wonder they decided to switch off the live transmissions during her first court appearance today, so that Idamange shouldn’t tell world what she went through.

They thought they had intimidated her enough to not say what they did to her while she was under their custody handcuffed. Immediately she started speaking boldly, they switched off the live transmission . Shame shame.

By Jeanne Mukamurenzi

#Idamange Oyeeeeeeeeeee

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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